Knowing what buttons to push

“What really surprised me about the Door Opener® Service was the quick return on investment. We were able to immediately go to the top companies we were targeting: Ford, Chrysler, BMW, etc. and get appointments.”


This client wanted to enter a new market and needed help opening the right doors. In trying to do it themselves before bringing Kopp in, they found it very difficult to maneuver through the large organizations on their target list to find the right decision makers and secure meetings.


The experience and professionalism of Kopp’s Door Openers helped this client secure appointments with their top target companies, paving the way to a new revenue stream that was not accessible to them before. Kopp’s Door Opener knew the right words to say to get in the doors and secure appointments. Their Door Opener also provided background information on the person and the company so when they had their initial meeting, they knew exactly which buttons to push. They prepared the Client so the optimal outcome from the meeting was achieved.

We’re here to help!

Our clients have experienced success by working with our Door Openers, and you can too.

Send a message or call us today for a consultation at 908.781.7546  

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