The Sales Effectiveness Metric Most Don’t Measure

The Sales Effectiveness Metric Most Don’t Measure

If 100% of your 1st prospect meetings don’t result in 2nd meetings, there is likely a good reason and a few easy steps to correct it. Our company is best known for the Door Opener® Service. We get our clients the important, executive-level prospect meetings that fill...

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Getting Prospects to “Hello!”

Getting Prospects to “Hello!”

Did you have as many new prospect meetings as you wanted in the last 12 months? If not, why not? And, most importantly, what will you do differently in the next 12 months that will yield better results? If you didn't get as many meetings as you wanted it's important...

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Personalization Counts When Prospecting

Personalization Counts When Prospecting

It sounds like a no-brainer, doesn’t it? We personalize our conversations all day long with the people we know. It comes to us as naturally as reaching for our first cup of coffee in the morning. Yet, in all my years of selling and coaching others to sell,...

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Not Getting Enough Prospect Meetings? Here’s Why!

Not Getting Enough Prospect Meetings? Here’s Why!

If I had a dime for every business leader who says, “When we are in front of the right prospects we close sales most of the time, we just need to get in front of more prospects!” I would be a VERY wealthy woman. Why hold off making changes or trying something new that...

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